No images? Click here New Developments in Virtual Instruments!We are all familiar with Hauptwerk and the hundreds of sampled organs that you can play on your Virtual Pipe Organ (VPO).One new development in organ sound generation is OrganTEQ by Modartt. This piece of software has applications in the VPO world as well. Unlike Hauptwerk, OrganTeq requires no sample sets. It is based on phyisical modelling, and actually uses sophisticated mathematical algorithms to create the sound of organ pipes in real time, as you play the notes!We first started hearing about OrganTEQ before Christmas and since then, have had a chance to review it ourselves and to talk to several other people who have used it, and the results are good.Organteq runs on any PC, Mac, or Linux computer. It is processor intensive, so requires the most powerful CPU you can get, but with a modest memory requirement. LISTENOrganTeq sells for US $299 direct from Modartt.Also available from ModarttPianoTeq, and a virtual Harpsichord Instrument!You can use your VPO to play either OrganTeq or PianoTeq (piano or harpsichord). Classic MIDIWorks can also provide a dedicated computer running OrganTeq and PianoTeq on a reliable Linux operating system.See the VPO-Ready Computers section of our Web Store.OrganTeq currently provides only a stereo output, but it will soon support 8-channel audio output over USB. To take advantage of this, we recomment the MiniDSP U-DAC8. Get it here:Global suppliers of Virtual Pipe Organ Hardware Not sure what Hauptwerk is all about? Down load the free e-book. Control systems for all pipe organs. Small portable organs for small spaces. Up load your own performances or listen to others for free. Buy and sell used equipment |